Monday, May 6, 2013


I'm such an overachiever. For the last 26 days of school we are having an ABC Countdown. Last week on Thursday we began with "A is for Adventure". We went on a hike on our trail behind the school and wrote some poetry. We also collected leaves and then later did a crayon rubbing and measured the angles.


Friday was Beach & Book Day. It was also field day, so in between events we read on our towels. The kids loved field day. In the afternoon the firetruck comes and sprays the kiddos down. Most definitely their favorite part.


 Today was C for Chalk Day. I had originally planned on taking them outside and having them draw different geometric terms/figures with chalk but the weather was dis-gus-ting. Torrential downpour all afternoon. (And yet, I still had children ask me if we were going outside for recess. YEA! Of course we are!) Instead, I handed out black pieces of construction paper and told them to draw a picture including at least 5 of the geometric terms we had covered in math.


Some of them did a really awesome job. I especially love the robot!

This week is also Teacher Appreciation Week! I got some sweet goodies today and then tonight we had a Dine & Design event at school for the staff. We had one in the fall where we painted a cityscape. Tonight we painted a beach scene. Here's my finished artwork...


Do you see the shark fin? haha.

I am also working on adding to my TPT store. I am having a SALE beginning tomorrow through Friday, May 10th for Teacher Appreciation. ( I was going to start tonight, but TPT doesn't let you have a sale for more than 4 days. lame) Go check it out. Tomorrow and Wednesday you can get an additional 10% off my already discounted product. 

I posted some CCSS Division Word Problem Task Cards.


There is 26 word problems as well as a recording sheet. I used these last week with my kiddos in tutoring and they loved them so much they wrote me these notes...


*obviously we need to work on your vs you're * :) IMG_4027

I genuinely love tutoring my little friends three days a week. One of them even brought me a treat for teacher appreciation week today! It was tho thweet.

OH! For the division word problem cards, the first person to guess my favorite book series growing up and leave it in the comments with their e-mail address will win the cards fo free. I'm also working on some multiplication cards as well. And as always, leave feedback!

So for this week's mentor text link-up, we are supposed to discuss reading texts again. I'm not sure if anyone has talked about this, but my absolute favorite book to teach about Alliteration is The Z Was Zapped, by Chris Van Allsburg. My kiddos love this book. It's essentially a play in 26 acts. There is a picture on one page and when you turn the page, it tells you what happened to the letter. I had my kiddos guess what was happening to each letter, but it was starting with the same letter. We were getting some awesome alliteration practice in! After reading, I had my students write their own alliteration about themselves and draw a picture. This book is definitely a winner.


friday flashback Five For Fridaymentor texts linky

Have a fabulous week! Don't forget to comment if you want to win! :)

melissa plane

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What a Week!

Oooh. It's been a week.

Sunday I felt a little crummy, but I still went to work on Monday. I actually ended up taking a half day and leaving at 11:30 because I felt so bad.

This week has been crazy busy at school. We began tutoring after school 3x a week due to the impending TESTING. One day is for reading and two are for math.

I have also been ignoring the linky parties, so I'm here to link up!

First up is Tried it Tuesday! (I know, it's no longer Tuesday. FAIL)

tried it tuesday

Let me just say that Ladybug's Teacher Files is AWESOME. She posted about a week ago about the Great Pencil Challenge. I printed the file IMMEDIATELY. We began the next day. The jist of this is that you challenge the students to see how long they can keep one pencil. I put their numbers on their pencil. And so far it is going so well. The first week I only had TWO children not have their pencils on Friday. This from a class that has probably used over 500 pencils this year! YAY! (We did break yet another sharpener, oh well).


For Workshop Wednesday (Hey! I'm only a day late with this one!), Jivey asked for a small group reading text. When I student taught I used Because of Winn Dixie. Boys and girls both loved it and it is a great way to teach so many different themes, standards. Right now I'm doing two book clubs. I have a group of girls (levels Y & Z) reading Stuart Little. I have a group of boys (all Z) reading Travel Team. The boys love this book. They are all into sports and think it is so cool! I love finding books they are genuinely interested in!

workshop wednesday linky

And of course, I have to link up with Farley! And I Heart Recess!



I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday! It's field day so hopefully that will be awesome!

melissa plane