Friday, April 12, 2013

Finally Friday!

Praise the good Lord above, I survived this week! At points I honestly did not think I was going to make it.

With all that said, here is a recap of what we covered this week and what went on:

1. Common Fractions Assessment-
At our last planning day, the fourth grade team wrote about a thousand fraction math problems covering all standards. Myself and another teacher pushed them together and created a big kahuna test. It was incredibly difficult and took several of my students more than 2 1/2 hours. After I finished grading the test, I discovered that I need to reteach some concepts and then have them correct their tests. Frustrating, but with the test a little over a month away, it's incredibly important. In addition, fractions are such a large part of the 4th grade Common Core curriculum.

2. Field Trip to the Planetarium
On Wednesday we took about 150 fourth graders to the Planetarium on the campus of UNC-Chapel HIll. Since my school is in a rural area, it took us about 90 minutes each way. 3 hours on a bus was not my idea of a good time. Add in a sick kid, not so great chaperones, and scheduling mishaps. BUT the shows were amazing and the kids were incredibly well behaved and intrigued.

3. Relay For Life


Our school has a Relay for Life team each year and we have several fundraisers throughout the year. Last night was our annual Spaghetti Dinner & Talent Show. I coordinated most of the spaghetti dinner and we had a pretty good turnout. I can already see how next year can be even better! I took one picture, of my wonderful co-worker's adorable son chowing down on a cupcake. Isn't he cute?


4. In ELA this week I have been working on completing independent reading assessments. This requires the rest of my students to be occupied with independent work. This is always a struggle for my friends. Does anyone have any suggestions? I do have to pat myself on the back. I have 13 students who are reading at middle of fifth grade level or beyond. I have 1 student exactly on level, 1 approaching level (1 level below), and 6 friends below level. Coming from the beginning of the year, when it was almost flipped, that is an amazing transformation! Reading is definitely my favorite subject!

5. Tonight I went with one of my good friends, Meredith, to dinner and just to chat. I've known Meredith for about 7 years. She also just recently got an awesome job as a guidance counselor! Yay!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="329"]Image Meredith and I at Appalachian State[/caption]

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and our server was Megan at The Remodeled Life's cousin. Small world! After dinner we went to Targay, where I was sucked into the Dollar Spot.

Well, the HGTV magazine didn't come from the dollar spot. (I wish!)  But whenever there are non-fiction books to be found in the dollar spot, I will for sure scoop them up!

Oh, I'm also including a picture of my clip chart at the end of the day on Thursday. I think next year I need more below "Ready to Learn". I just have those friends who aren't motivated by one clip-down.


I keep the boys on the right and the girls on the left just for easier viewing. The boys were rocking it out yesterday. I do have 23 students, 11 girls and 12 boys.

I'm linking up with two awesome ladies, Doodle Bugs and Teaching Maddeness.


Tomorrow I'm headed thrifting with an amazing co-worker. I'll try to take some pictures! Have a fabulous weekend!

melissa plane

1 comment:

  1. Love that Target dollar spot...always great finds! I do love having three clips above and three below on my clipchart. They tend to view the one clip down as a "warning" and then try very hard not to move down more than that!
