Thursday, May 2, 2013

What a Week!

Oooh. It's been a week.

Sunday I felt a little crummy, but I still went to work on Monday. I actually ended up taking a half day and leaving at 11:30 because I felt so bad.

This week has been crazy busy at school. We began tutoring after school 3x a week due to the impending TESTING. One day is for reading and two are for math.

I have also been ignoring the linky parties, so I'm here to link up!

First up is Tried it Tuesday! (I know, it's no longer Tuesday. FAIL)

tried it tuesday

Let me just say that Ladybug's Teacher Files is AWESOME. She posted about a week ago about the Great Pencil Challenge. I printed the file IMMEDIATELY. We began the next day. The jist of this is that you challenge the students to see how long they can keep one pencil. I put their numbers on their pencil. And so far it is going so well. The first week I only had TWO children not have their pencils on Friday. This from a class that has probably used over 500 pencils this year! YAY! (We did break yet another sharpener, oh well).


For Workshop Wednesday (Hey! I'm only a day late with this one!), Jivey asked for a small group reading text. When I student taught I used Because of Winn Dixie. Boys and girls both loved it and it is a great way to teach so many different themes, standards. Right now I'm doing two book clubs. I have a group of girls (levels Y & Z) reading Stuart Little. I have a group of boys (all Z) reading Travel Team. The boys love this book. They are all into sports and think it is so cool! I love finding books they are genuinely interested in!

workshop wednesday linky

And of course, I have to link up with Farley! And I Heart Recess!



I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday! It's field day so hopefully that will be awesome!

melissa plane


  1. I found you via Farley's Currently May! I'm smiling at your responses, especially the NEEDING... me, too! Can't wait for summer break! Enjoy the remaining days of the school year.

  2. This Little Piggy ReadsMay 2, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    I found you through Farley's Currently. I love finding upper elem. blogs:) You were busy linking up! We did Sat. School instead of after school tutoring.

  3. You've been a busy girl! I need to check out that pencil challenge because I swear my kids eat them!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  4. The great pencil challenge is just what my class could use! I will have to check that out. I really want to try book clubs too! Thank you so much for linking up:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  5. Thanks for linking up! Wow, have almost completed your first year of teaching, Congrats! I need to check out the great pencil challenge, my kids sure could use it!


  6. Ew. I think I prefer after school tutoring because I live about 40 minutes away from my school. Although Saturday would be better for some of the kiddos I think due to transportation issues. Maybe I'll suggest that for next year. :)

  7. I think my kiddos eat them as well! I cleaned out a desk of a student yesterday and found about 50 of my pencils. I ended up taking them back. (I'm mean)

  8. Thanks for always commenting on my blog when I link up! :) And thanks for always having such a great linky party. I love reading other fourth grade blogs and realizing my kids are not alone in their insanity!

  9. Thanks for hosting! I'm going to check your blog out more this weekend. And yes, my kids pretty much eat their pencils! It has worked wonders!

  10. I am doing the pencil challenge too....Amazingly there are NO pencils left on the floor at the end of the day. I'm a fellow 4th grade teacher...stop by!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
